From Dark Omen Wiki
The DOT-Files define where the dots on the overworld are drawn when the Grudgebringers are moving to there next mission.
Contents |
The header has a size of 16byte. It looks like that only the pathNum is interesting.
struct HEADER { int dotIdentify; // identifies a DOT-File. Always 0x54444F54 (WDOT) int unknown1; // always 0x67 int unknown2; // 0x28, CH1_ALL.DOT has 0x060028 int pathNum; // Number of different paths };
The first path directly follows the header.
They contain the x and y-coordinates of the points the path will follow.
The points are only orientations for the path. The actual path is drawn as a curve.
struct PATH { int pathPointsNum; // Number of points that discribe the curve int x; // x-coordinate of a point int y; // y-coordinate of a point int padding[2]; (loop again from int x until all paths points are read) int unknown; // always 0x05 int unknown2; // always 0x0A int padding[2]; int unknown[4]; int padding[4]; // Garbage data like 0x004099AC };
The footer is not of any interest. It does only contain two strings:
Sourcecode-Path e.g.: D:\darkomen\SrcCode\public\MP_Dots\editor\dots\M4_ENG.bmp
Name of the used bitmap e.g.: M4_ENG.bmp
But the bitmap name is not used ingame because there are different localized versions of the maps (with different filenames)
Editing Tools
A simple, Java-based editor by Ghabry: DOT-Editor