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  • 02-09-2003 : correct orc boy L4 value (thx to Steelgar)
  • Modified on 06-27-2002 23:51 GMT : there is now no 'double bonus' penalty for items. (ignore Rule #5) till I can figure out a better way to do this.
  • Modified on 06-27-2002 21:20 GMT : Howto Build your First army added.
  • Modified on 06-19-2002 05:04 GMT MustPlayOnce Rule Added : mean you must play every race and Army once before you can play the same army race option again ...
  • If handicap rule violated, higher rank will not get a win, at best a draw(if you win), at worse a lose(if you draw or lose).
  • ErrorRule: check everything in calculator, if differ with this page please report error asap or use the value that is worse for your army. (this way I am kindda forcing you to report the errors, sorry.)
  • Modified on 01-23-2002 11:11 GMT : adjustment continue ... see reasoning. The values of elements are still not 'balanced' ... but time is on our side ...
  • Lots of effort by DMR and me to make this Rule Set happen so read it at least once before posting any feedback. You got anything you don't understand or disagree, specify which paragraph and in what way you think I was saying ... make yourself understood when you post. Thanks. .

DOSTdmr 2002 (aka Dost 2002) -1st draft-

(without DMR this rule set will never took place, many many thx !) 
  • Detailed Rules (1)[doc/Dost2002_a.html Ally army calculator ], (2) [doc/Dost2002_g.html GreenSkin calculator ], (3)[doc/Dost2002_u.html Undead calculator ]
  • Details of how to play and Howto Build your First army
  • Map chart
  • Item Chart
  • Allies Units Chart
  • GreenSkin Units chart
  • Undead Units chart

    1. No Saved armies, standard non-custom units, 9k (default) or less.
    2. Old timers (10 or more games) should play QuickyRule against 0-4 games Newbies !
    3. Never restart to avoid changing mage spells, you made a mistake you forfeit the game.
    4. Race Selection: There are only 3 races: Allies, Greenies, Undead (later they could be divided into more with sub-race theme)
    5. (ignore this rule for now !!!)Item Limits : Army can have ONE of each Sword, Banner, Shield, & MageMagic type item. Army may have more than 1 Misc. type item. To get another item of the same type you must DOUBLE the highest bonus of the item of the same type.
    6. Race Item Restriction: : Horn of Ugrok is available to Greenies at ( 10), Allies at ( 14), and Undead at ( 18).
    7. Playing Time Limit : default to one hour but any agreeable time or extension is allowed. (5 minute no action Draw Warning Rule enforced)
    8. Handicap : You play with handicap to 'level' the playing field ... calculate the difference between your ladder ranking to yeild the final handicap. See the chart below
Ladder Rank Differ Handicap
2 or less (#1 vs #3 = 2 rank difference = 0 handicap)
3-6 (#3 vs #7 = 4 rank difference = 1 handicap)
7 or more ranking difference but both are not newbies (5 or less games)
7 differ AND 1 player is a newbie (5 or less games)

    1. Note : personally, I do not think better players with more skill should get the short end of the stick and penalize with handicap points and not playing equal strength battles against a lower rank ... but it does 'even' out some odd and make top rank harder to stay on top all the time thus more interesting / challenging for all ... and for sure newbie will not get blown away 'too fast' by nasty players ... but IMO, this is not fair ... thus handicap points apply only to Ladder Games, Tournament will have no handicap points
    2. Handicap Points: Higher rank players vs lower rank player with handicap. So Higher rank may need to take bad map side and even a penalty armies vs a bonus army to 'make up the skill level difference'. Keep Reading till "How to even up the skill level difference (a.k.a. Handicap)".
    3. Map Points : There are three map type ... equal (0), advantage (2), homefront (3), Higher rank can make up 3 Handicap points by taking the bad side of any homefront map. (see Map chart )
    4. Army Bonus : Here is an example of an army with 4 penalty
    5. Look at it this way ... DONT think 'point' for a while
      (a) Make THREE different strength armies ... (assume you can) so you have the following ...
      A maximum strength army
      A regular strength army
      A minimum strength army
      (b) When you use a weaker strength army than your opponent you make up handicap(s) ... so Min vs Reg is 1 handicap, Reg vs Max is also 1 handicap ... and when you use a Min and your opponent use a Max strength army ... you make up 2 hindicaps ...
      (c) When you fight your opponent using the SAME strenght army you make up 0 handicap ... so if you both use the same strenght army such as Max vs Max, Reg vs Reg, or Min vs Min then there is no strength difference ... thus 0 handicap ... etc etc ...
      (d) now ... how to make those different strength armies ? use bonus/penalty
      max strength army has (7 bonus) get 7 extra points to build your army
      Reg strength army has (0 bonus)
      min strength army has (4 penalty) get 4 less point to build your army
    6. How to even up the skill level difference (a.k.a. Handicap): All handicaps 'should' zero out but not a requirement ... against a newbie the handicap must be zero or less (to higher rank's disadvantage) at the end of offering phase. In the case of top3 vs newbie, top3 must take a bad side of a home front map and suggest to play a ONE strength difference army of 4 vs 0 or 0 vs -7 and offer it to the newbie (Can offer the same map multiple times but must be with a differnt army strength combination to 'sweaten' the pot each time. More on choices later ...
    7. Why different value spread and not just 5/0/-5 ? You can 'negociate' with your opponent such as between two equal ranking players ... "I will take this advantage map side and I will let you have -7 army and I use 0 army" ... or "we play this home front map and since it is a lot 'harder' I will deplopy an Undead -7 bonus army and you take the opposite side using a 4 penalty GreenSkin army" ... lots of flexibility ... (you might want to pre-made 3 armies for each race, 3 armies for each map side, or just 3 armies of your favor race, ... choice is entirely yours) but as far as playing go, all you really need is three different strngth armies ...
    8. PreGame Sequence: Map, host side,and armies bonus configuration should be choosen within 6 offering. First offer by Higher Rank who takes on the DEFENDER's role and chooses map side (host or join) to defend and army bonus oneself and opponent (but no need to name army race, just bonus of army is sufficient.), offers must make ranking handicap to Zero (so top3 must take a homefront bad side and choose one of the bonus army for both sides) ... LowerRankOpponent(ATTACKER) chooses to accept this arrangement or not. (DEFENDER takes up a position, opponent decide that it is too nasty and refuse to engagne and select a new spot to defend and challenge opponent to attack ... very theme and logical !). If refused, switch Attacker/defender role and the new attacker make the 2nd offer etc.


IMO: a stronger army is better than a good map side. Get you points in Army FIRST then if there is any more point to spare, take map point

  • Equal Maps (no good side nor bad side)
    • The Road to Bogenhafen
    • Axebite Pass
    • Return to Axebite pass
    • The Bretonnian River
    • The Road to Moussillon
  • Advantage maps
    • Grissburg Town (Host side is Good side)
    • The Northern Wastes (Host side is Bad Side)
  • HomeFront Maps
    • The Empire (Host side is Good Side)
    • Blighted Towers (Host side is BAD Side)
    • The Road to Kislev (Host side is VERY BAD side)

  • Items should be lot harder to get, a 'perfect' army with all L1 nice RnF units with NO or only cheap armor upgrade carrying 4 great cheap powerful items is just not gonna happen in Dost2002. It is neither theme nor realistic ... and is just too good to be true so I advise you get over it asap.
  • again, many thx to DMR for providing a base for me to creat this chart.
Item Type Cost Item Bonus
Grudgebringer Sword Sword 625 -3
Sword Scabskrath Sword 750 2
Runefang Sword 375 0
Hellfire Sword Sword 625 -2
StormSword Sword 500 0

Banner of Arcade Warding Banner 500 7
Banner of Wrath Banner 375 ( 10 Undead, Orc)( 12 Allies)
Banner of Defiance Banner 250 1
Mork's War Banner Banner 500 8

Spelleater Shield Armor 500 6

Dragonhelm Armor 375 -2
Shield of Ptolos Armor 500 5
Enhanced Shield Armor 250 -1
Staff of Osiris Magic 250 1
Book of Ashur Magic 375 5
Wand of Jet Magic 250 9
Heart of Woe Misc. 250 -1
Potion of Strength Misc. 125 0
Horn of Ugrok Misc. 750 Green: 10/ally: 14/Undead: 18

Allies Units Bonus Chart

  • this is just a draft ... build on top of DMR's 2002 ... without him doing the initial hard work this will never take place ...
  • I am pretty sure all elements are taken into consideration ... even Orge's benefitial armor upgrade will now actually cost you to get ...
  • Legend: A : 1st armor upgrade ... A : 2nd armor upgrade, A : 3rd upgrade. Remember, in order to get to A you must spend the cost to A , A , AND A . I factor this accumulative cost in, and to simplify math, you do not need to add all three bonus, just add the bonus of the highest upgrade ... so do not get shock if bonus of A appear high ...
  • Armor upgrade, cost and bonus : The bonus to buy an upgrade is higher than getting a new RnF dollar for dollar ... except cheap upgrade to good unit like Ogre, Mummies and Siege ... and weak RnF will also get better bonus than strong RnF for the same cost.
  • Cost, Bonus, and Slots : Some of the elements bonus maybe appear off or 'asymetric' mathmatically ... but consider the following
    • cost vs bonus issue: for example, can I get the same bonus by getting a differnt 'element' using the same cost, will available slots become an issue ? Bonus will assign more to the disadvantage ... For example ... 2 L3 mages is a 'disadvantage' for an army ... thus very unlikely to field 1 L3 Fire Mage and 1 L3 Ice Mage ... thus the choice become which one to filed ... and the difference in their bonus balance out the 'prefered' choice.
    • Very expansive unit recourse issue : like L4 merc. cavalry with upgrade ... the limiting factor is no longer bonus but the money left for other things ... so get massive -50 and -100 bonus for the courage and any possible new tactic.
  • To find out if this is balance ... it would be best to field test and post result in battle reports ...

AlliesUnit & level Cost Army Bonus A :cost/bonus A :cost/bonus A :cost/bonus

Mercenary Crossbowmen lvl1 480 0 960/-1 1920/-5 -

Mercenary Crossbowmen lvl2 960 -1 1440/-3 2400/-7 -

Imperial Cannon lvl1 375 -1 495/-2 735/-4 -

Imperial Cannon lvl2 750 -2 870/-3 1110/-5 -

Bright Wizard lvl1 525 -3 - - -

Bright Wizard lvl2 1050 4 - - -

Bright Wizard lvl3 2100 9 - - -

Imperial Halberdiers lvl1 435 -1 915/-3 1875/-9 -

Imperial Halberdiers lvl2 870 -3 1350/-6 2310/-13 -

Imperial Bowmen lvl1 480 -3 960/-6 1920/-13 -

Imperial Bowmen lvl2 960 -7 1440/-10 2400/-20 -

Flagellants lvl1 360 5 - - -

Flagellants lvl3 1440 -2 - - -

Imperial Mortar lvl1 450 7 570/ 7 810/ 6 -

Imperial Mortar lvl2 900 7 1020/ 7 1260/ 6 -

Ogres lvl1 1200 5 1230/ 6 - -

Mercenary Swordsmen lvl1 435 -1 915/-3 1875/-10 -

Mercenary Swordsmen lvl3 1740 -6 2220/-10 3180/-18 -

Imperial GreatSwords lvl1 435 -1 915/-3 1875/-11 -

Imperial GreatSwords lvl4 3480 -17 3960/-21 4920/-36 -

Ice Mage lvl1 525 -5 - - -

Ice Mage lvl2 1050 -6 - - -

Ice Mage lvl3 2100 -8 - - -

Mercenary Cavalry lvl1 1350 6 2070/ 2 3270/-13 5070/-50

Mercenary Cavalry lvl4 5400 -30 6120/-38 7320/-99 N/A

Pistoliers lvl1 600 1 1140/-1 2040/-5 -

Pistoliers lvl2 1200 -2 1740/-4 2640/-11 -

Knights of the Realm lvl1 1350 5 2070/ 0 3270/-16 5070/-60

Knights of the Realm lvl2 2700 -4 3420/-10 4620/-28 5420/-72

Dwarf Warriors lvl1 525 -2 1005/-6 1965/-18 -

Dwarf Warriors lvl2 1050 -5 1530/-9 2490/-22 -

Wood Elf Glade Guards lvl1 525 6 1005/ 4 - -

Wood Elf Glade Guards lvl4 4200 -19 4680/-22 - -

Wood Elf Archers lvl1 525 6 - - -

Wood Elf Archers L2 1050 4 - - -

Treeman lvl1 2700 -7 - - -

  • GreenSkin is the hardest to come up a value set that is 'reasonable' and 'balanced' since most units are cheap ... but again DMR's 2002 comes to the rescue ... manay many thx !
  • All 'units' are cheap ... so high level ones are easier to get ... thus normal scale bonus for undead and human work less effectively with this race ... therefor I make good ones penalty really high ... this way 'bad units' becomes a must field option to balanced it out ... and this also create a strategic possibilities to just field an army with lots of so so units ...
  • slot is actually very important now so adjustment also taking that into consideration ...
  • upgrade on useful unit is also desirable ... for example : upgrading Big'Un is actually not a bad thing thus much less bonus than upgrading other type of RnF unit of the same cost ... Goblin Archer (w/o Fanatics) is the most useless unit thus its armor upgrade get the best bonus to 'promote' people hunting for bonus go for it ...
  • spider is VERY useful in information gathering and scorpion is rarely used ... bonus reflect that accordingly also ...
  • To tackle the problem ... I split units into three sets ... the good (best), the bad (so-so), and the ugly (worst) ... if you field the good then you must field a lots of ugly ones ... or you can just field a lots of so-so units ...
  • L1/L2 shaman normally never get field since L3 is so cheap thus the bonus.
  • again very expansive unit limiting factor is how much money left for anything else ... thus L4 BB is with -50 bonus, I see nothing but challenge to win with this unit leading the army thus I encourage creative thinking and try to give you all the bonus you need to pull it off ... best of luck !
  • again, check for out of balance cost and bonus ... and do actual test for cross race battle and do field test battle report feedback would be best ...

GreenSkin Unit & level Cost Army Bonus A :cost/bonus A :cost/bonus A :cost/bonus

Night Goblin Archers lvl1 300 0 900/-3 - -

Night Goblin Archers lvl2 600 -2 900/-5 - -

Night Goblins lvl1 270 -1 870/-4 - -

Night Goblins lvl2 540 -3 1140/-7 - -

Night Goblins lvl4 2160 -15 2760/-20 - -

Giant Spider lvl1 150 3 - - -

Giant Scorpion lvl1 120 -2 - - -

Night Goblin Shaman lvl1 450 -4 - - -

Night Goblin Shaman lvl2 900 -2 - - -

Night Goblin Shaman lvl3 1800 6 - - -

Orc Arrer Boyz lvl1 450 0 930/-1 1890/-5 -

Orc Arrer Boyz lvl2 900 -1 1380/-3 2340/-6 -

Orc Boar Boyz lvl1 960 7 1680/ 4 2880/-4 4680/-26

Orc Boar Boyz lvl2 1920 5 2640/ 2 3840/-6 5640/-28

Orc Boar Boyz lvl3 3840 -3 4560/-7 5760/-17 7560/-47

Orc Boar Boyz lvl4 7680 -50 8400/-70 - -

Orc Boyz lvl1 360 1 840/-1 1800/-4 -

Orc Boyz lvl2 720 0 1200/-3 2160/-9 -

Orc Boyz lvl4 2880 -3 3360/-6 4320/-16 -

Orc Big'uns lvl1 450 5 930/ 2 1890/ 0 -

Orc Big'uns lvl2 900 4 1380/ 2 2340/-1 -

Orc Big'uns lvl3 1800 0 2280/-3 3240/-12 -

Orc Bolt Thrower lvl1 210 -1 330/-2 570/-4 -

Orc Bolt Thrower lvl2 420 -2 960/-4 1020/-7 -

Orc Rock Lobber lvl1 600 8 720/ 8 960/ 7 -

Orc Rock Lobber lvl2 1200 6 1320/ 6 1560/ 5 -

Orc Shaman lvl1 525 -3 - - -

Orc Shaman lvl2 1050 -2 - - -

Orc Shaman lvl3 2100 8 - - -

Troll lvl1 480 -2 - - -

Night Goblin Archers w/ Fanatics L1 480 1 1080/-1 - -

Night Goblin Archers w/ Fanatics L2 960 -1 1540/-4 - -

Night Goblins w/ Fanatics L1 450 0 1050/-3 - -

Night Goblins w/ Fanatics L2 900 -1 1500/-4 - -

Night Goblins with Fanatics lvl4 3600 -8 4200/-13 - -

  • Unit strength, level are all cross checked and adjust accordingly ... I use Ghoul L4 (3000) as reference unit ... now the unit type, value, and level are more closely match ...
  • Some units are just too costly to field, simply put, you field it you won't win, so those units receive -50 to -100 bonus points ... the question is not how many points it has but is will you dare to field it and actually can pull off a win ?
  • The 'worthless' unit and its armor upgrade are now also with higher award value ... it is more likely to upgrade armor on a nasty unit than a worthless unit like skelly archers ... so worthless units' armor upgrade has a higher 'award' value ... dollar for dollar ... to 'encourage'/balance resourse/bonus allocation consideration ...
  • Very hard to get it 'just right' ... there are still 'easy points' here and there due to the scale issue ... 0.25 is just too fine a number thus I avoid it and stop at 0.5 ... hope this is a 'reasonable' adjustment ... do speak up if you see any problem ...
Undead Unit & level Unit Cost Army Bonus A :cost/bonus A :cost/bonus A :cost/bonus

Vampire lvl1 750 5 - - -

Vampire lvl2 1500 7 - - -

Vampire lvl3 3000 11 - - -

Gnouls lvl1 375 0 - - -

Gnouls lvl2 750 -2 - - -

Gnouls lvl4 3000 -15 - - -

Mummies lvl1 1200 3 1470/ 2 - -

Mummies lvl2 2400 -5 2670/-6 - -

Mummies lvl3 4800 -18 5070/-22 - -

Necromancer lvl1 525 -1 - - -

Necromancer lvl2 1050 2 - - -

Necromancer lvl3 2100 5 - - -

Screaming Scull Catapult lvl1 510 0 630/-1 870/-3 -

Screaming Scull Catapult lvl2 1020 -2 1140/-4 1380/-7 -

Skeleton Archers lvl1 540 0 1020/-2 1980/-7 -

Skeleton Archers lvl2 1080 -2 1560/-5 2520/-9 -

Skeleton Horsemen lvl1 840 0 1560/-3 27600/-10 -

Skeleton Horsemen lvl2 1680 -3 2400/-7 3600/-18 -

Skeleton Horsemen lvl4 6720 -50 7440/-60 8640/-99 -

Skeleton Warriors lvl1 450 -1 930/-4 1890/-9 -

Skeleton Warriors lvl2 900 -3 1380/-6 2340/-11 -

Skeleton Warriors lvl4 3600 -20 4080/-25 5040/-39 -

Black Grail Knights lvl1 1350 8 2070/ 5 3270/-5 5070/-30

Black Grail Knights lvl2 2700 4 3420/-2 4620/-17 6420/-47

Black Grail Knights lvl3 5400 -5 6120/-15 7320/-45 N/A

Wights lvl1 1050 -7 1320/-9 1860/-13 -

Wights lvl3 4200 -48 4470/-52 5010/-60 -

Wights lvl4 8400 -99 8670/-99 N/A -

Wraiths lvl1 1500 -5 - - -

Wraiths lvl2 3000 -15 - - -

Wraiths lvl3 6000 -54 - - -

Zombies lvl1 270 -1 870/-5 - -

Zombies lvl2 540 -2 1140/-8 - -

Zombies lvl4 2160 -12 2760/-18 - -

This is an example of an undead 4 army
4 (penalty)
6 4: 1 L2 Vampire (SoO)
4 -5.5 4 : 1 L2 BGK (A , SeS) ... A mean 1st armore upgrade
-19 : 1 [L2 Wraiths | L4 Ghoul]
total: -2.5 (any sum equal 0 or less is ok), not likely a top3 player with this army on a Bad Side of a HomeFront map have a chance to defeat a newbie with 4 penalty army on the good side ... File:Urr.gif, however, a -7 bonus army on both sides will be a lot better options for the top3 since top3 know how to optimize army to get the best elements money can buy and newbie just don't know what to get ... File:Wink.gif

Modified on 02-09-2003 16:47 GMT

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