From Dark Omen Wiki
Every unit has four sets of flags.
The flags are 32Bit (because in some scripts is set_unit_flag1 536870912)
Unit Flag 1:
- 1 - Always set (Crash on clear)
- 2 - Completly invisible (can't even see enemies anymore but moves)
- 4 - Ignores Movement commands (except rotations)
- 8 - Unknown (Not set on startup)
- 16 - Unknown (Not set)
- 32 - Unknown (Set)
- 64 - Hide regiment but not the banner (use with 2)
- 128 - Red Arrow (Unit freezes)
- 256 - No clipping (can move through other regiments, no close combat/ignored by AI)
- 512 - Yellow Arrow, says retreat and freezes, Artillery gets red arrow
- 1024 - Unknown (Not set)
- 2048 - Unit glitches after manual charge
- 4096 - Unknown (Not set)
- 8192 - Yellow Arrow (Unit freezes)
- 16384 - Unknown (Not set)
- 32768 - Red Arrow and crazy unit moving
- 65536 - Unknown (Not set)
- 131072 - Unknown (Set)
- 262144 - Unknown (Set)
- 524288 - Unit is hidden (green arrow)
- 1048576 - Unit is in a battle (only retreat and strength button)
- 2097152 - Does not have Autodeploy-Status
- 4194304 - Invisible (can move / fight)
- 8388608 - Unknown (Not set)
- 16777216 - Unknown (Not set)
- 33554432 - Is Selected
- 67108864 - Unknown (Not set)
- 134217728 - Unknown (Not set)
- 268435456 - Invisible (can move, fight, can't use magic items)
- 536870912 - Hides the banner
- 1073741824 - Unknown (Not set)
- 2147483648 - Unit freezes
Unit Flag 2:
- 2048 - Hides the Banner
Unit Flag 3:
- This Flag is read-only (set by the Engine?)
- One of the Bits is for Regiment is death (=No Men left) and then the Mission Over Text appears
Control Flag: