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WARTBED Architecture
Documents related to technical design aspects and implementation details.
For a general overview of WARTBED, see the WARTBED Design Document

Architectural documents:


0.1 "Clausewitz"
0.2 "Jomini"

WARTBED uses a strict client-server architecture, where even local games are clients to a game server.

A network system should be designed. For this suitable libraries should be located and existing projects should be investigated

  • Libraries
    • The Boost::ASIO cross-platform C++ library for network and low-level I/O programming. ASIO seems scheduled for the C++ TR2, and will likely be part of the next language revision following C++0x.
    • ACE (The ADAPTIVE Communication Environment) is a high-efficiency OO network programming toolkit in C++
    • memcached is a distributed memory object caching system
  • Existing game projects to study
    • Glest
    • Spring -- There is a lobby for Spring (SpringLobby) done in wxWidgets that might be of use.
    • The open and free MANGOS World of Warcraft server project could provide good inspiration (uses ACE).
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