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Note: this is old, partly incorrect and very incomplete information. This page will be rewritten sometime.

The M3D 3D Object File Layout

The M3D format used by Dark Omen is a raw-data binary format to save a model consisting of a non-hierarchal array of meshes. It is intended for forward-parsing and do not contain block meta-data.

Render flags

M3D stored basic instructions on how the model is intended to be rendered in its filename.

// Render flags
// ------------
// Render flags for a model are provided, believe it or not, in
// the model<nowiki>’</nowiki>s filename. If the leading character is an underline
// then the following is a hash for a binary attribute map where
//  00000 ( 0) = no flags
//  00001 ( 1) = translucency (colour blending?)
//  00010 ( 2) = animate texture UV coordinates
//  00100 ( 4) = transparency (alpha blending?)
//  10000 (16) = colour key transparency
// The hash depends on character
//  <nowiki>’</nowiki>0<nowiki>’</nowiki>..<nowiki>’</nowiki>9<nowiki>’</nowiki>: flag <nowiki>|</nowiki>= char - 48 (==<nowiki>></nowiki> 0 .. 9)
//  <nowiki>’</nowiki>A<nowiki>’</nowiki>..<nowiki>’</nowiki>Z<nowiki>’</nowiki>: flag <nowiki>|</nowiki>= char - 55 (==<nowiki>></nowiki> 10 .. 35)
//  <nowiki>’</nowiki>a<nowiki>’</nowiki>..<nowiki>’</nowiki>z<nowiki>’</nowiki>: flag <nowiki>|</nowiki>= char - 87 (==<nowiki>></nowiki> 10 .. 35)
// The most common filename prefixes (actually, the only ones
// present in Dark Omen) are:
//   "_4": 00000100 (transparency)
//   "_6": 00000110 (transparecy and animated texture coordinates)
//   "_7": 00000111 (translucency, animated texture coordinates, and transparency)
//   "_K": 00010100 (transparency and colour keying)

General layout

0 24   File header
24 96 * n   Texture description
      Sub-object description

File header:

0 4 Long File ID
4 4 Long Magic
8 4 Long Version
12 4 Long CRC
16 4 Long NOT CRC
20 2 Short # textures
22 2 Short # sub-objects

Texture description entry

0 64 Char[64] Filepath (ignored)
64 32 Char[32] Texture filename

3D Sub-object Description

	char		name[32];	// object name
	short		parent;		// parent index
	M3DPOINT	pivot;		// origin for heirarchy
	short		vertices;	// number of verts.
	short		faces;		// number of faces
	long		flags;
	long		spare1;
	long		spare2;


Geometry header List of faces List of vertices

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