DO/Ultimate Multiplayer Connection Fixes

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Ultimate Multiplayer Fixes

So we all know to download Hamachi and join these networks:-

DarkOmenWorld password darkomen

DarkOmenOlly2 password olly

Dark-Omen2 password darkomen

CaveOfGrimnir password grimnir

darkmancer2 password darkomen

Then if u are hosting u start the game and go to multiplayer and then TCP/IP but

as Host u leave it blank and choose to create a Game.

Your opponent will then Start the game and go to Multiplayer and also select

TCP/IP but will enter in the Hosts Hamachi IP and then try and join the hosted


However, if u receive the usual error of can not connect to your opponent, follow

these steps but please test each time you complete a step and also swap

turns in being the host to test.

1) Disable Firewall (it’s safe and we all do it)

2) Open Hamachi ports by clicking on the bottom right hand button of Hamachi

->Preferences->Detailed configuration->

And Tick both UDP and TCP and enter 12975 for both.

3) If you are feeling adventurous please open your Router ports 2300-2400 TCP

and UDP and 47624 TCP (most of us don’t ever have to go this deep)

4) Provide your Opponent your Public Router IP

To find your Public Router IP in windows, Press Start->Run and type in CMD and

then type


and look at the second IP address for your Public

Router IP address which can then be used for the Opponent to join

your Hosted Dark Omen match instead of using the Hosts Hamachi IP.

5) Force Bind IP in Hamachi – Please read this website and download the file on Step 11 of the website

Basically we want to create a new Shortcut on the Desktop for Dark Omen but with

an amended line that will Force Bind your Hamachi IP.

Right Click on Desktop and choose to create a new Shortcut-> Browse to your Dark

Omen folder and locate the EngRel.exe, for example

C:\Program Files\Dark Omen\PRG\EngRel.exe

But DO NOT press next to complete the new shortcut, instead we need to add some

text at the beginning of the text,

Forcebindip 5.x.x.x

So it reads

Forcebindip “C:\Program Files\DarkOmen\PRG\EngRel.exe”

And make sure there is a space between 100 and “C:\

Remember to replace the 5.x.x.x with your own Hamachi IP address

Then Press NEXT and to complete the new Shortcut, let it name itself.

You should now have a new shortcut called ForceBindIP.exe

Double click it to launch the game in Forcebind mode and use the normal icon to

play normally with players u don’t get any errors connecting to.

Again please take turns Hosting games to test.

Get both players to forcebindip and then even test where just one player uses

Force and the other uses normal. Success depends on trying all

possible combinations.

6) Promote Hamachi Network on your PC.

Basically we want to make Hamachi at the top of the list.

For XP Start->Control Panel->Network Connections, then on the Menu bar, click

Advanced->Advanced Settings and put Hamachi at the top of the list.

For Vista Start->Control Panel->Network and Sharing Center, then on the left side

panel, click on Manage Network Connections. Now Press Alt, click on

Advanced->Advanced Settings and put Hamachi at the top of the list.

Please follow the rest of the page if the problem persists, although all of our

players only ever require these 6 steps but mainly only Step 1 and 2.


Again please pop into Chat Channel for further assistance or testing

Remember we always get it working

(Except one person who I spent 2hrs with, only to find he didn’t even have Dark Omen installed but Dawn of War!)

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