DO/Magic Items

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These list is for the English Version of Dark Omen only but should be valid for any item up to 0x3E (Cash300).

dec hex Item Title Book Icon Inventory Item Overworld Item What it does Sale Book Desc Book Picture Autosell? (Not Dropped, Dropped)
0 00 None Grudgebringer Sword None Banner Nothing 0gc (Crash) (Crash) No
1 01 Grudgebringer Sword Grudgebringer Sword Grudgebringer Sword Sword Cast Fireball 468gc (Grudgebringer Sword) (Grudgebringer Sword) No
2 02 Sword Skabskrath Sword Skabskrath Sword Skabskrath Sword Cause Fear 562gc (Sword Skabskrath) (Sword Skabskrath) No
3 03 Runefang
4 04 Hellfire Sword
5 05 Stormsword
6 06 Lighning Bolt
7 07 Spelleater Shield
8 08 Dragonhelm
9 09 Shield of Ptolos
10 0A Enchanted Shield
11 0B Heart of Woe
12 0C Potion of Strength
13 0D Horn of Urgok
14 0E Ring of Volans
15 0F Banner of Arcane Warding
16 10 Banner of Wrath
17 11 Banner of Defiance
18 12 Mork's War Banner
19 13 Staff of Osiris
20 14 Wand of Jet
21 15 Book of Ashur
22 16 Bright Book
23 17 Ice Book
24 18 WAAAGH Magic Book
25 19 Dark Book
26 1A Fireball Grudgebringer Sword Fireball None Fireball Spell -3gc (Crash) (Crash) Yes
27 1B Sanguine Sword Nothing Sanguine Sword Nothing Sanguine Sword Spell 0gc (Crash) (Crash) Yes
28 1C Blast Blast Nothing Blast Spell (Crash) (Crash) Yes
29 1D Burning Head Burning Head Nothing Burning Head Spell (Crash) (Crash) Yes
30 1E Conflagration of Doom
31 1F Flamestorm
32 20 Crimson Bands
33 21 Wings of Fire
34 22 Death Frost
35 23 Chill Blast
36 24 Ice Shards
37 25 Wind of Cold
38 26 Shield of Cold
39 27 Hawks of Miska
40 28 Snow Blizzard
41 29 Crystal Cloak
42 2A Brain Bursta
43 2B Gaze of Mork
44 2C Da Krunch
45 2D Fists of Gork
46 2E Mork Save Uz
47 2F Ere We Go
48 30 Gaze of Nagash
49 31 Raise the Dead
50 32 Doombolt
51 33 Death Spasm
52 34 Blade Wind
53 35 Arnizipal's Black Horror
54 36 Soul Drain
55 37 Witch Flight
56 38 Dispell Magic Potion of Strength Dispell Magic None Dispell Magic Spell 56gc (Crash) (Crash) Yes
57 39 Cash050 Grudgebringer Sword None Treasure Nothing 60gc (Crash) (Crash) Yes (+50gc, +100gc)
58 3A Cash100 Grudgebringer Sword None Treasure Nothing 63gc (Crash) (Crash) Yes (+100gc, +200gc)
59 3B Cash150 Grudgebringer Sword Nothing Treasure Nothing 67gc (Crash) (Crash) Yes (+150gc, +300gc)
60 3C Cash200 Grudgebringer Sword Nothing Treasure Nothing 71gc (Crash) (Crash) Yes (200gc, 400gc)
61 3D Cash250 Grudgebringer Sword Nothing Treasure Nothing 75gc (Crash) (Crash) Yes (250gc, 500gc)
62 3E Cash300 Grudgebringer Sword Nothing Treasure Nothing 78gc (Crash) (Crash) Yes (300gc, 600gc)
63 3F SingleSanguine

The following icons seam to be some binary reads after the item block in the Dark Omen Executable. They have different behaviour in other Language Versions. To avoid any problems you shouldn't use any "items" after 0x3E (as long as you don't want a chest with more then 300gc).

dec hex Item Title Book Icon Inventory Item Overworld Item What it does Sale Book Desc Book Picture Autosell? (Not Dropped, Dropped)
63 3F SingleSanguine Grudgebringer Sword None Treasure Nothing -3gc (Crash) (Crash) Yes (350gc, 650gc)
64 40 Not Used. Nothing Nothing Treasure Nothing 3gc (Crash) (Crash) (Crash) Yes (400gc, 700gc)
65 41 (None) Nothing Nothing Treasure Nothing 7gc (Crash) (Crash) (Crash) Yes (450gc, 750gc)
66 42
67 43
68 44
69 45
70 46
71 47
72 48
73 49
74 4A (None) Nothing Nothing Treasure Nothing 48gc (Crash) (Crash) (Crash) Yes (900gc, 1200gc)
75 4B
76 4C
77 4D
78 4E
79 4F
80 50
81 51 (None) Nothing Nothing Treasure Nothing -3gc (Crash) (Crash) (Crash) Yes (1250gc, 1550gc)
82 52
83 53
84 54
85 55
86 56
87 57
88 58
89 59
90 5A (None) Nothing Nothing Treasure Nothing 37gc (Crash) (Crash) (Crash) Yes (1700gc, 2000gc)
91 5B
92 5C
93 5D
94 5E
95 5F
96 60
97 61
98 62
99 63
100 64
101 65
102 66
103 67
104 68
105 69
106 6A
107 6B
108 6C
109 6D
110 6E
111 6F
112 70
113 71
114 72
115 73
116 74
117 75
118 76
119 77
120 78
121 79
122 7A (None) (Empty Box: Sale 588gc) Nothing Nothing Treasure Nothing 588gc (Crash) (Crash) (Crash) Yes (3300gc, 3600gc)
123 7B
124 7C
125 7D
126 7E
127 7F
128 80
129 81
130 82
131 83
132 84
133 85
134 86
135 87
136 88
137 89
138 8A Sword (4100 Gold Chest)
139 8B
140 8C
141 8D
142 8E
143 8F
144 90
145 91
146 92
147 93
148 94
149 95
150 96
151 97
152 98
153 99
154 9A CRASH (Empty Box: Sale 18677010gc)
155 9B
156 9C
157 9D
158 9E
159 9F
160 A0
161 A1
162 A2
163 A3
164 A4
165 A5
166 A6
167 A7
168 A8
169 A9
170 AA CRASH (Empty Box: Sale 18675750gc)
171 AB
172 AC
173 AD
174 AE
175 AF
176 B0 The Undead forces were unable

to withstand your onslaught.

Nothing Nothing Treasure Nothing 1687gc (Crash) (Crash) (Crash) Yes (6000gc, 6300gc)
177 B1
178 B2
179 B3
180 B4
181 B5
182 B6
183 B7
184 B8
185 B9
186 BA
187 BB
188 BC
189 BD
190 BE
191 BF
192 C0
193 C1
194 C2
195 C3
196 C4
197 C5
198 C6
199 C7
200 C8 CRASH (Greyed Out Dragonhelm,
unequippable, Sale: 1389526155gc,
No crash on sale)
201 C9
202 CA
203 CB
204 CC
205 CD
206 CE
207 CF
208 D0
209 D1
210 D2
211 D3
212 D4
213 D5
214 D6
215 D7
216 D8 CRASH

Icon: Empty Box, unequippable

Sale: -1516613884gc, Can be sold

Title: This huge crossbow fires spear-sized

Description: Waaagh Book

Left Picture: Helmgart Crossbow man


Icon: Greyed Out Hellfire Sword, unequippable

Sale: -758678479gc, Can be sold

Title: This enormous catapult hurls large boulders

Description: Dark Book

Left Picture: Ogre

219 DB
220 DC
221 DD
222 DE
223 DF
224 E0 CRASH
225 E1
226 E2
227 E3 The Hand of Nagash survives. Grudgebringer Sword None Treasure Nothing -1452721962gc (Crash) (Crash) Yes (+8850gc)
228 E4
229 E5
230 E6
231 E7
232 E8
233 E9

Icon: Greyed Out Hellfire Sword

Sale: 18674505gc, Can be sold (minus)

235 EB
236 EC
237 ED
238 EE
239 EF
240 F0 CRASH
241 F1
242 F2
243 F3
244 F4
245 F5
246 F6
247 F7
248 F8
249 F9
250 FA Banner (9700 Gold Chest)
251 FB
252 FC
253 FD Banner (9850 Gold Chest)
254 FE Magic Book (9900 Gold Chest)
255 FF Objective V - Fail Grudgebringer Sword Nothing Treasure Nothing -1452721962gc (Crash) (Crash) Yes (9950gc, 10250gc)
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