Talk:DO/Rules/3000/10/Point list
From Dark Omen Wiki
Wraiths - problem unit
Recently after exhaustive debate we increased the point value of wraiths from 6 to 8 because they offer a possible exploit of the game system, and the 3000/10 rules in particular (namely that since they can only be defeated by magic and not all, or even very few, 3000/10 armies use magic at all) using them can make the army unbeatable. There has been ongoing debate, though, if this is correct. Some argue that 8 points is too much since Wraiths aren't a very powerful unit against units that do have the ability to harm them (and this side also usually advocates that all armies should have magic weapons or wizards). Others argue that as in the table-top game armies should never be required to use magic, required tactics should not be forces on the players, and having them relatively easily affordable (6 pts) invites this kind of exploit and thus force players to purchase magic items just in case (which is expensive in a 3000 gold rules set).
Wraiths' point costs was recently decreased to 6 points again without any previous discussion or rationale. Instead of edit warring ( is not Wikipedia!) I raised their point value to 7 as a compromise.
I think Wraiths should be prohibitively expensive since they break the game model and is the only unit in the game that does not really allow any particular tactics for the player (they are a normal melee unit which cases fear), but do limit the tactical options for all other players.
The wraith problem will be mitigated in 5000, 7000 and 9000 rules, but since part of the 3000 rules is to be easily anf quickly accessible for all (even novice) players, and to eliminate exploit and cheeze armies, which kills the fun for everyone, wraiths should be very expensive in 3000 rules. Mikademus 18:16, 14 February 2009 (UTC)