Wartbed:Files/Formats/Application Settings
From Dark Omen Wiki
[WARTBED]/cfg/Application.settings is the configuration file of the WARTBED system. It is a text file using the WARTBED Script format.
Contents |
General Layout
Graphics Settings
Input Bindings
The default key bindings are defined in application.config. Modules and campaigns can override these, but any binding missing or not overridden there will use these.
For readability, WARTBED associates input events with qualitative names (action names), such as "move forward". The association of input events with an action name is called an input binding (sometimes key binding is used synonymously).
Simple input bindings
The basic syntax for binding an input event to an action is:
- Syntax: action name { mapping=input name; sensitivity=number; invert=bool; }
All names and codes are case-insensitive. The sensitivity and invert parameters are optional. A number can be an integer or a fraction, and bool can be any of the keywords "true", "false", "yes" and "no".
- Example: move back/forward { mapping=W; sensitivity=100; invert=no; }
- Example: move back/forward { mapping=S; sensitivity=100; invert=yes; }
Composite input bindings
WARTBED actions may need to be more clearly defined than just being associated with a single input event. For instance, several buttons pressed together may trigger a particular action, or an action will only take place when another button is NOT pressed. Then actions must be specified as composite bindings.
To bind an action to more than one input condition, enclose each binding as a separate block in the action block, preceded by a modifier:
- Example:
To specify that the input event is required to fire the action, use "and", "&", "yes" or "true" for the modifier, or leave the modifier out all together, since missing modifiers default to "true". Use "!", "not", "no" or "false" before the block to indicate that the specified input must NOT occur with the other ones for for the action to be performed (negative mappings do not have to specify sensitivity or invert parameters).
- Note 1: Sensitivity and invert are always taken from the FIRST bound map. Keep this in mind when mapping several input to an action.
- Note 2: Since some combinations may interfere with each other, you may have to define actions to take this into consideration. For instance, if moving the mouse moves the cursor and moving it with the right mouse button held rotates the camera, you will need to define the cursor movement action with a "not right mouse button held" modifier.
- Two equivalent examples:
List of WARTBED Standard Actions
Modules may provide additional actions.
INCOMPLETE LIST OF ACTIONS! This list is a stub only. The action set is in constant flux! See this as an example only!
yaw // swivel camera up/down camera pitch // swivel camera left/right roll // tilt camera left/right (not implemented) zoom // zoom camera orbit horizontally // rotates camera left/right around target orbit vertically // rotated camera up/down around targer move forward/backward // moves camera in the direction it points move left/right // moves camera left/right orthogonally to the direction it points move up/down // moves camera up/down orthogonally to the direction it points slide forward/backward // moves camera in the Z direction along the plane slide left/right // moves camera in the X direction along the plane slide up/down // moves camera up from or down toward the plane
List of Input Codes
Seems like the "plus" key on the regular keyboard is missing from the list...
Input Code | Description | WARTBED internal value |
UNASSIGNED | 0x00 | |
ESCAPE | 0x01 | |
1 | 0x02 | |
2 | 0x03 | |
3 | 0x04 | |
4 | 0x05 | |
5 | 0x06 | |
6 | 0x07 | |
7 | 0x08 | |
8 | 0x09 | |
9 | 0x0A | |
0 | 0x0B | |
MINUS | - on main keyboard | 0x0C |
EQUALS | 0x0D | |
BACK | backspace | 0x0E |
TAB | 0x0F | |
Q | 0x10 | |
W | 0x11 | |
E | 0x12 | |
R | 0x13 | |
T | 0x14 | |
Y | 0x15 | |
U | 0x16 | |
I | 0x17 | |
O | 0x18 | |
P | 0x19 | |
LBRACKET | 0x1A | |
RBRACKET | 0x1B | |
RETURN | Enter on main keyboard | 0x1C |
LCONTROL | 0x1D | |
A | 0x1E | |
S | 0x1F | |
D | 0x20 | |
F | 0x21 | |
G | 0x22 | |
H | 0x23 | |
J | 0x24 | |
K | 0x25 | |
L | 0x26 | |
SEMICOLON | 0x27 | |
APOSTROPHE | 0x28 | |
GRAVE | accent | 0x29 |
LSHIFT | 0x2A | |
BACKSLASH | 0x2B | |
Z | 0x2C | |
X | 0x2D | |
C | 0x2E | |
V | 0x2F | |
B | 0x30 | |
N | 0x31 | |
M | 0x32 | |
COMMA | 0x33 | |
PERIOD | . on main keyboard | 0x34 |
SLASH | / on main keyboard | 0x35 |
RSHIFT | 0x36 | |
MULTIPLY | * on numeric keypad | 0x37 |
LMENU | left Alt | 0x38 |
SPACE | 0x39 | |
CAPITAL | 0x3A | |
F1 | 0x3B | |
F2 | 0x3C | |
F3 | 0x3D | |
F4 | 0x3E | |
F5 | 0x3F | |
F6 | 0x40 | |
F7 | 0x41 | |
F8 | 0x42 | |
F9 | 0x43 | |
F10 | 0x44 | |
NUMLOCK | 0x45 | |
SCROLL | Scroll Lock | 0x46 |
NUMPAD7 | 0x47 | |
NUMPAD8 | 0x48 | |
NUMPAD9 | 0x49 | |
SUBTRACT | - on numeric keypad | 0x4A |
NUMPAD4 | 0x4B | |
NUMPAD5 | 0x4C | |
NUMPAD6 | 0x4D | |
ADD | + on numeric keypad | 0x4E |
NUMPAD1 | 0x4F | |
NUMPAD2 | 0x50 | |
NUMPAD3 | 0x51 | |
NUMPAD0 | 0x52 | |
DECIMAL | . on numeric keypad | 0x53 |
OEM_102 | on UK/Germany keyboards | 0x56 |
F11 | 0x57 | |
F12 | 0x58 | |
F13 | (NEC PC98) | 0x64 |
F14 | (NEC PC98) | 0x65 |
F15 | (NEC PC98) | 0x66 |
KANA | (Japanese keyboard) | 0x70 |
ABNT_C1 | / ? on Portugese (Brazilian) keyboards | 0x73 |
CONVERT | (Japanese keyboard) | 0x79 |
NOCONVERT | (Japanese keyboard) | 0x7B |
YEN | (Japanese keyboard) | 0x7D |
ABNT_C2 | Numpad . on Portugese (Brazilian) keyboards | 0x7E |
NUMPADEQUALS | = on numeric keypad (NEC PC98) | 0x8D |
PREVTRACK | Previous Track (CIRCUMFLEX on Japanese keyboard) | 0x90 |
AT | (NEC PC98) | 0x91 |
COLON | (NEC PC98) | 0x92 |
UNDERLINE | (NEC PC98) | 0x93 |
KANJI | (Japanese keyboard) | 0x94 |
STOP | (NEC PC98) | 0x95 |
AX | (Japan AX) | 0x96 |
UNLABELED | (J3100) | 0x97 |
NEXTTRACK | Next Track | 0x99 |
NUMPADENTER | Enter on numeric keypad | 0x9C |
RCONTROL | 0x9D | |
MUTE | Mute | 0xA0 |
CALCULATOR | Calculator | 0xA1 |
PLAYPAUSE | Play / Pause | 0xA2 |
MEDIASTOP | Media Stop | 0xA4 |
VOLUMEDOWN | Volume - | 0xAE |
VOLUMEUP | Volume + | 0xB0 |
WEBHOME | Web home | 0xB2 |
NUMPADCOMMA | , on numeric keypad (NEC PC98) | 0xB3 |
DIVIDE | / on numeric keypad | 0xB5 |
SYSRQ | 0xB7 | |
RMENU | right Alt | 0xB8 |
PAUSE | Pause | 0xC5 |
HOME | Home on arrow keypad | 0xC7 |
UP | UpArrow on arrow keypad | 0xC8 |
PGUP | PgUp on arrow keypad | 0xC9 |
LEFT | LeftArrow on arrow keypad | 0xCB |
RIGHT | RightArrow on arrow keypad | 0xCD |
END | End on arrow keypad | 0xCF |
DOWN | DownArrow on arrow keypad | 0xD0 |
PGDOWN | PgDn on arrow keypad | 0xD1 |
INSERT | Insert on arrow keypad | 0xD2 |
DELETE | Delete on arrow keypad | 0xD3 |
LWIN | Left Windows key | 0xDB |
RWIN | Right Windows key | 0xDC |
APPS | AppMenu key | 0xDD |
POWER | System Power | 0xDE |
SLEEP | System Sleep | 0xDF |
WAKE | System Wake | 0xE3 |
WEBSEARCH | Web Search | 0xE5 |
WEBFAVORITES | Web Favorites | 0xE6 |
WEBREFRESH | Web Refresh | 0xE7 |
WEBSTOP | Web Stop | 0xE8 |
WEBFORWARD | Web Forward | 0xE9 |
WEBBACK | Web Back | 0xEA |
MYCOMPUTER | My Computer | 0xEB |
0xEC | ||
MEDIASELECT | Media Select | 0xED |
Input Code | Description | WARTBED internal value |